Thursday, March 28, 2013

I miss my kitchen in Dallas but this is more thrilling, dontya think? It's holy week here in Catholic country of Cebu. The boys and I went camping and swimming yesterday. In 4 weeks, if I get my seat confirmed for a flight back to Dallas, well, I'll be in Dallas. And I'm going to be busy interviewing the few men I've lined up for the husband position I've posted online. Well, before you skin me alive for sounding irreverent towards men, I am joking, alright? If, I don't find a suitable applicant, then I, me and myself will have to go on another interview. I will be interviewing for a job! You've heard it said--work hard or marry rich. I haven't really decided what I should do; get a job or get a husband. I guess whichever comes first that offers more zero's after the first digit.

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