I have 5 days left here in Cebu and I have mixed emotions: part of me wants to stay longer, another part of me wants to just get out quick. I like to tell friends that I have an addiction to aviation fuel reason why I like to travel a lot, but the diesel fumes and the chaotic mode of transportation here in Cebu is about to do me in.
I want to stay longer so I can eat all these real foods, but I am also weary of counting in the thousands all the time like it's play money. The other day, instead of taking a taxi, I took the *trisikad just so I can justify dumping all my coins to the driver without just giving it to him. Also, because I always believe in wealth distribution. But definitely not like Obama's or my relative's idea of wealth distribution.
I learned this from Chat, when she vacations in Mexico or other 3rd world countries, she always make sure to tip everybody that provides services to her to make a few natives live better even for just a day while she's there.
Also, I better leave soon or Jordan would beat me in the grammar and spelling contest. What with all my friends and families texting me like this : Gud pm, eat na ka? C U tomoro.
Then this guy that I had a big crush on heard that I was in town and he texted me : Wer r u I wil col u. Did I say I was in love with this guy? Thank God, that was when I was ten. But I was nice and didn't ignore him - I texted back. No, I col u. Dnt col me.
*Trisikad - pedaled not motorized tricycle
Building Tiny Homes for Big Impact: Strategies for Construction Companies
Tiny homes are revolutionizing the housing market, offering an innovative
solution to affordability, sustainability, and minimalism. Construction
2 days ago
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