Friday, June 10, 2011

The other white meat

Do you know why in the US they promote pork as "the other white meat"? I figured it's because if you look at a piece of bacon, you see more white than red. When people cringe after I tell them that I love pork fat, I have to point out the fact that we all have our addictions; some to caffeine and some to gossiping, while I'm simply addicted to grease the same way Joan Rivers is addicted to plastic surgery. But I found a way to lessen your horror. I drain down the fat into lard, then use the lard to make pastries and I eat pork belly with zero guilt. All day long.

By the way don't let this UFO like contraption scare you. It's a convection oven and can make a pig crackle into gorgeous pork in less than an hour.

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