It was not food poisoning or watching tv on a 60" screen that caused my nausea. It was caused by me quitting Lexapro cold turkey. For 2 weeks I was sick as a dog, instead of feeling better as the week passes, I felt more sick that I started praying for God to just take me home. Then it dawned on me that it must be a symptom from stopping on my anti-depressant. For you purists out there, you won't understand about anti-depressants, and I don't expect you to, because even the medical community hasn't totally embraced the fact that mental health affects the body and can be responsible at times for our physical ailments.
So why did I quit Lexapro? when it worked and took care of my anxiety attacks? Well, for one, it is very expensive, second, because I hate taking medications. Well, am back on it now so I can live again. So tomorrow, am flying to Banff in Canada to do fly fishing. Besides golf, fishing is the only other sport I like, but I could not make myself eat fish when I was fishing, so I quit fishing. (I could not kill and eat) When I was in Europe I met the guy who owns a fly fishing company in Canada, that's where I'm going tomorrow. Here's his website.
I will post pictures when I get back, until then ya'll have a good weekend.
Building Tiny Homes for Big Impact: Strategies for Construction Companies
Tiny homes are revolutionizing the housing market, offering an innovative
solution to affordability, sustainability, and minimalism. Construction
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