Friday, May 20, 2011

Double my meds?

Chat says it is very difficult raising a parent. So I behave. I take my meds. My anti-psychotic meds. Because when I misbehave, Chat threatens me and says things like: I will double your meds and disown you. Well, am not so worried about that part, it's when she ends her sentence with, "and then I disinherit you."

I have a love-hate relationship with medication. The word "pharmacy" in Greek means poison. And yet I religiously take mine. Religiously-- meaning, when I remember them. I don't really suffer from depression, but my real malady is my anxiety attacks which is triggered by anything that I perceive as stressor to my perceived ordered and comfortable set-up. A friend dying or a changed schedule will send me on a tailspin just the same. Three ways to handle anxiety attacks; take anti-depressants on a daily basis, take a sedative at the time of the attack or winging it on a prayer. The first one is the most effective unless you want the 4th option which would be Mr. Cuervo or Mr. Beam. Then there's the fermented grape juice.

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