Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's a cat, it's a pig

Finally, I am done with my commercial bread baking class. We learned recipes for breads intended for a bakery that would cater to the masses ---not for an upscale clientele. It's the kind of bread I was used to when I was growing up. For our final day bonus recipe, our instructor gave us the recipe for "lechon bread" and showed us how to shape it--- a "roast pig" bread. I just could not make mine look like a pig so I told my instructor it's a cat. "If you stare at it long enough it could pass for a pig" my instructor said after she chuckled looking at my bread.
Here she is showing us the steps.
She's right, the more I stare at it, you can psych yourself to make it look like a pig. (you can laugh out loud here)But then again, I'm not sure because it also looks like a catfish.
We did about 14 recipes, but all of us were only excited about this pan de sal.

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