This cat is male and very demonstrative; as soon as I come in to their house, he backs himself against the wall and gives you that look, like warning you not to come near him. And if you force yourself on him, he'll let you hold him and caress him, but just long enough for you to want more and drive you crazy. (Someone said that if a woman employ this trick on a man she can get a 5 carat diamond) Well, if I've learned anything this year, it is that next Christmas, by all means I will have a man, even if I have to rent him and clean him up, just so I don't appear lonely and make Chat feel compelled to leave me her cat. If I sound like I am complaining, it's probably because...I am.
Tiny Dreams, Big Realities: Has DIY Tiny Building Vanished?
The tiny house movement captured our imagination years ago, but what
happened to those amazing DIY builds we used to see everywhere? In this
video, Jenna...
2 days ago
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