Happiness? That's nothing more than health and a poor memory - Albert Schweitzer
In 2006 I started this blog because that was when I started to attempt a nomadic lifestyle and that was also when I felt I wanted to test myself as to how far I can go doing crazy things and justify it by saying, "well, I turned 50 so I went crazy." But saying that is just half truth, the other reason was also because I lost my husband 2 years prior. (He went and moved in with Jesus.) At that time I was pretty much all over the place because my body didn't know what to do with myself. And I mean that literally. Because of how my husband died, the trauma sent my body into the overdrive mode and that was when I first experienced what is called "anxiety attack." (Unless you've experienced this, you can't relate.) I ended up in the hospital because I didn't know what it was, but since then I've managed to manage it so I don't get fitted with a straight jacket.
So what am I trying to say here? I really don't know, because it's 2:32 a.m. Dallas time and my mind is on overdrive again. Stress triggers my attacks and the last two weeks, I've been in the frying pan because of family and friends tragedies, so as the sun rises faithfully each morning, my anxiety is just as faithful in showing up after any amount of stress. Life is a gift and it's dynamic, it's a roller coaster and it's littered with drama and spiced with comedy . And it's ok because my rule of thumb is to take life with a grain of Xanax. (If only I could get my doctor to prescribe it so I don't have to bum from friends.)
Tiny Dreams, Big Realities: Has DIY Tiny Building Vanished?
The tiny house movement captured our imagination years ago, but what
happened to those amazing DIY builds we used to see everywhere? In this
video, Jenna...
2 days ago
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