Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Simmer down, it's all good.

 Neuropathic scientists backed by medical scienced are saying that only 13% of our illnesses are caused by diet or environment, but 87% of it is caused by toxic thinking or mental depression. I wish I knew this way back when, before I had to pay a lot of money to recline at the couch of 2 of Dallas famous psychiatrists. It was and still is common belief and teaching that a person is depressed because of a chemical imbalance, instead of the reverse--a person has chemical imbalance because he or she is depressed or thinking wrong. I tried several different pills only to end up more imbalanced than before I started. Several attempts at changing my lifestyle and moving from place to place did not help at all. The mind was still sick. Until I went back to the Word of God and took His Word seriously. " By Jesus stripes you were healed, He bore your sickness and carried your pain" {1 Peter 2:24 Isaiah 53:4-5} was staring at me, waiting to be believed and received, not just read.  I renewed my mind to the truth of God's Word and I started to see the light, and the wrinkled soul and the sick mind began to heal. When toxic thoughts knock at the door, I don't open it, I tell it to focus on whatever is pure, whatever is true and lovely and whatever is of excellence, concentrate on it. {Philippians 4:8}

Now let me go, so I can thaw my frozen pecan pie and serve me some good, nice slice of heaven. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Happy Friday ya'll

 I'm here. This past 2 weeks my internet has been sluggish and dragging like an old dog with a wounded leg. It's very frustrating to watch a 1.5 hour movie drag to 4 hours because every 3 minutes it stops. I'm not complaining, I am angry. 

Anyway, nothing new here in the woods except the cool weather is starting to remind me I'm not in the Philippines. I love the 4 seasons but I really miss being able to enjoy my farm all year long, where the plants and trees stay green and vibrant.  In a few weeks here, the woods will start to thin out its leaves and my garden will be buried in dead leaves while my fruit trees stand at attention, bald and brown. They will look like no one lived here, like I never loved them or cared for them.  I miss them terribly during this time of quiet hibernation. But they will be back. For now, I am grateful for my gift--the gift of life, health and serenity. And the capacity to accept and enjoy the changes in my garden. And in my life.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

No woes Wednesday

 Wednesday, 9 a.m. here in the woods. The morning started out gloomy but the sun has started to peek out in between the trees. There is no such thing as darkness---there's only the absence of light. Yes, you can create darkness by taking out the light, taking out the bright hope of tomorrow and blurring out your vision with fear and worry. Melancholy, nostalgia and forgetting to enjoy the little things before you makes for a depressing mood. No I will not let depression rule my life again. Yes, I will be grateful for the little things in front of this good cup of sikwate.