A lot of people are up in arms complaining about the body scanner at airports. I really don't know where I stand on this issue, yes, I'm concerned of the radiation it exposes my body to, but not enough for me to go bunkers. And the fondling? Well, as long as it's done by a Javier Bardem look-alike and he's paid more than the minimum wage, I can live with it.

I can't understand why the US have not adopted the ingenuity of the Israelis. At their airports, they don't use a body scanner, instead, you go into this booth where there's no X-ray, but it will detonate any explosives you have on your body. I think this is cool, because it will eliminate the cost of a trial and years of feeding them in prison. This is also good for those passengers who are on a "standby" list. Don't you think?
*Photo lifted from blog.tsa.gov
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