Always, the holiday season brings me down on my knees. It disables me emotionally and I don't hide it, at least not too well. Yesterday, when I asked the AT&T technician when my internet connection will be back, he said. "We're trying to do our best, but what I suggest, is that you forget about it for now and busy yourself with Christmas shopping because I can't tell you when your internet will be fixed." I told him, what makes you think I shop for Christmas, or that I have people I want to shop for?
Even though I have lots of friends, I am a good example of those people who have become more isolated because of social networking now made less social by the internet and the cell phones. I reach out and touch the mouse before I do to friends. When my internet is useless on any given day, I go into a murderous frenzy as if I'm demon possessed, and when it goes down during this time of the year, I don't have the energy for any frenzy; I simply want to down a handful of Xanax then hide in my cave and come back out in March. But hiding is no fun if no one's going to look for you. Well, I know what I'm hiding from.... what I don't know is, what I'm searching for.
Tiny Dreams, Big Realities: Has DIY Tiny Building Vanished?
The tiny house movement captured our imagination years ago, but what
happened to those amazing DIY builds we used to see everywhere? In this
video, Jenna...
1 day ago
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