Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A Perfect Woman

A while back, I heard this man on the radio, he was asked what his idea is of a perfect woman. He hesitated to answer, like there's no such thing as a perfect woman, then he says: "A perfect woman is one who can make love all night and at 2 a.m. turns into a pizza."

Well, come to think of it, he's right -besides fast cars, all a man wants is sex and dinner. Because really, have you heard of a man who complains of a dirty house? I used to tell friends that I'm afraid to remarry because I worry about cleanliness in a man --what if he leaves dirty dishes on the sink and leave it there until he can't find the faucet anymore? Well, that was when my standards were higher, when I could not rest and sit down if there's dirty dishes on the sink. Now, I leave dishes there until I find a man (to bring home). No, I'm not sloppy, I just want to make him feel at home.

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