Sunday, July 14, 2024

Keep the dream alive

"Follow your passion" I have said it and you've heard it too many times also. When there's a dream in your heart, that's because God placed it there for you to follow through to accomplish His bigger purpose. And regardless that you don't have the talent or resources to execute the dream to completion, you can develop the talent for it, and God will give you wisdom to sustain it. 

But how do we know that the burning passion in our heart is the dream initiated by God? I don't have a burning passion, I have a hobby.  I love to grow food and I love to cook food, but I don't want to be told what to cook and when to cook. I also garden differently from most people--I hate watering plants and I don't grow seeds in seedling trays. I sprinkle seeds on the soil and wait for what comes up. I also am not good at nurturing sickly plants.They start wilting and wrinkly? Ok, bye. 

A hobby can be mistaken as passion and mostly it will fade and die in time of difficulty. inability or  inaccessibility. But that dream in your heart stays even when no one shares your enthusiasm for it. Don't give up the dream, just stop talking about it. Nurture it in your heart, keep it alive by the power of imagination. If you can imagine it, you can have it and you attract what you expect. 

Now I need to practice what I just preached.

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