Friday, July 12, 2024

The Power of Asking

 Friday 2:30 a.m. What do you do when sleep refuse to come to bed with you? Write? About what? 

Well, I have been musing on the verse in John 16:24. Almost everyone knows to recite "ask and you shall receive" regardless that they don't know it's a bible verse or if they even believe it.  But the rest of the verse that says " so your joy may be complete" is often left unquoted. So I started to really meditate on it. So my joy may be complete.  

Ask. Joy. Complete. I don't like to ask; not for directions or for a refill on my drink at the restaurant. But lately, the Lord revealed to me that to not ask is prideful. So I started thinking that as long as I'm asking, I might as well ask big. Ask big so the answer would make God look like He is really God. I have already listed 3 things that I want God to do for me before the year ends, so any day now I am expecting to receive it. 

Asking is a biblical principle so it works in every facet of life. Take Mcdonald's. Mcdonald's doesn't sell edible food-- they sell the hype of food, but several years back their management started training employees to ASK a customer when they place their order : do you want fries with that? One simple question, and that first year Mcdonald's revenue increased $20 million! That's the power of suggestion in the form of asking. So start asking. And ask BIG!

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