Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Silence is acceptance

 My cheese almost slipped from my cracker when I watched this so-called news media and social media. The grilling of that Secret Service heifer pig Kimberly Cheatle and the viral trending post of the public bashing of that cow pig Jude Bacalso in Cebu. I caught myself getting carried away in anger and frustration. Cheatle is typical of these other corrupt, depraved politicians; they believe they're above the law or that they can create their own law. And Jude Bacalso is a typical Filipino with the colonial mentality---it's your right to abuse the lowly, no big deal. I don't know what I'm more angry of: that ugly stump of a man who thinks his advocacy to be accepted as a homosexual is more important than the basic right of a waiter or the waiter who believe that it's ok to be disrespected and made to stand an hour and 49 minutes to listen to the demeaning lecture by the ugly stump. 

Injustice in any form always rub my scale the wrong way. I grew up watching my family being abused by this so-called rich employer/landlord in Cebu and I rebelled against it in silence because my parents told us "it's ok, we need to respect them". Respect is one thing. Accepting abuse is for the comatose.

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